
Eric Sanders 17-10-2023
Eric Sanders

' 你的梦想会持续多久? "或 "你认为人们能记住自己的梦吗?"以及 "你是否患有睡眠障碍?



See_also: 梦见被攻击--持续恐惧的征兆 梦境会持续多久& 你一夜会做多少个梦


梦的时间长短差别很大。 很难预测你可能会做多长时间的梦。 但专家们已经尝试进行研究,并提供了一个估计值作为这个问题的答案。

美国国家睡眠基金会的研究提到,一个人一晚上大约能做四到六次梦。 这意味着一个人一晚上大约有两个小时在做梦。


噩梦是经常引发负面情绪的恶梦,也会扰乱我们的夜间睡眠。 根据美国睡眠医学学会的研究,50%-85% 的男性和女性都曾做过噩梦。

对于噩梦会持续多久,我们并没有确切的答案。 但梦专家说,我们在快速眼动睡眠的最后三分之一阶段经历的噩梦最多。


你永远无法统计出一晚上做了多少个梦。 为什么? 因为你不记得你做过的梦。 你只记得在快速眼动睡眠中做过的梦的一些片段。


据说,清醒梦发生在您处于快速眼动睡眠和清醒之间的时候。 尽管清醒梦很少见,但有些人比其他人能做更多的清醒梦。

清醒梦的持续时间与非清醒梦一样长,即 5-20 分钟。 有些人的清醒梦只有几秒钟,有些人的清醒梦甚至可以持续一个小时。 这完全取决于你对大脑的控制能力。


一个人最多只能做 90 分钟的梦,如果我们睡上 8-9 个小时,就会经历 5-6 次快速眼动睡眠。

快速眼动睡眠的前两个周期几乎不会持续 5 分钟。 之后,在每个周期中,这个时间段都会不断延长。 随着年龄的增长,我们的快速眼动睡眠时间会不断缩短。

因此,当我们计算梦境持续的时间时,最终会发现平均梦境持续的时间不会超过 10-20 分钟。 梦境在前半夜较短,随着时间的推移,梦境会越来越长。


根据快速眼动睡眠理论,有些梦会比其他梦更长。 因此,如果你正处于夜间的第三个快速眼动周期,你所做的梦就会比夜间的第二个快速眼动周期更长。



在进入快速动眼期睡眠之前,人要经历三个快速动眼期睡眠阶段。 在快速动眼期睡眠的第一阶段,也就是刚入睡时,眼睛会慢慢移动,身体感觉放松。 这是最轻微的睡眠形式,大约持续 5-10 分钟。

在第二个 NREM 阶段,很难唤醒人。 只有当你发出一些响声时,人才会醒来,但仍然昏昏欲睡。 大脑的反应非常缓慢。

现在,在 NREM 的第三阶段,人处于深度睡眠状态。 眼睛和肌肉没有任何运动。 即使你在他睡觉的同一个房间里做一些活动,他也不会注意到。

如果说快速眼动睡眠,持续时间在 5-45 分钟之间。 在这个阶段,做梦的人不会轻易醒来。 眼睛和肌肉不会有任何运动,但身体和大脑仍然活跃,因为我们在做梦。




See_also: 梦见家人--意味着团聚还是不和?

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Eric Sanders

Jeremy Cruz is an acclaimed author and visionary who has dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of the dream world. With a deep-rooted passion for psychology, mythology, and spirituality, Jeremy's writings delve into the profound symbolism and hidden messages embedded within our dreams.Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy's insatiable curiosity propelled him towards the study of dreams from a young age. As he embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery, Jeremy realized that dreams hold the power to unlock the secrets of the human psyche and provide glimpses into the parallel world of the subconscious.Through years of extensive research and personal exploration, Jeremy has developed a unique perspective on dream interpretation that combines scientific knowledge with ancient wisdom. His awe-inspiring insights have caught the attention of readers worldwide, leading him to establish his captivating blog, The dream state is a parallel world to our real life, and every dream has a meaning.Jeremy's writing style is characterized by its lucidity and ability to draw readers into a realm where dreams seamlessly blend with reality. With an empathetic approach, he guides readers on a profound journey of self-reflection, encouraging them to explore the hidden depths of their own dreams. His words offer solace, inspiration, and encouragement to those seeking answers tothe enigmatic realms of their subconscious mind.In addition to his writing, Jeremy also conducts seminars and workshops where he shares his knowledge and practical techniques for unlocking the profound wisdom of dreams. With his warm presence and natural ability to connect with others, he creates a safe and transformative space for individuals to unveil the profound messages that their dreams hold.Jeremy Cruz is not only a respected author but also a mentor and guide, deeply committed to helping others tap into the transformative power of dreams. Through his writings and personal engagements, he strives to inspire individuals to embrace the magic of their dreams, inviting them to unlock the potential within their own lives. Jeremy's mission is to shed light on the boundless possibilities that lie within the dream state, ultimately empowering others to live a more conscious and fulfilling existence.