
Eric Sanders 12-10-2023
Eric Sanders

蜘蛛在人类世界中的名声并不好,因为许多人都有蜘蛛恐惧症--害怕蜘蛛。 不过,也有一些人喜欢与蜘蛛为伴,喜欢把它们当作宠物饲养。

如果您是不喜欢蜘蛛但又不害怕蜘蛛的人,那么下次在家里看到蜘蛛时,不要直接把它们赶走,因为它们有可能在做梦。 是的,这一突破性发现是由行为生态学家达妮埃拉-罗斯勒博士(Daniela Rößler)提出的。

2020 年,她在实验室观察悬挂的跳蛛时偶然发现了这一发现。 罗斯勒博士及其研究团队的研究成果现已发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上。

Rößler 博士是德国康斯坦茨大学的一名研究员,她最初的目标是研究蜘蛛中捕食者与被捕食者之间的相互作用。 在这次实验中,她使用了小蜘蛛,并用红外摄像机拍摄了它们在夜间的活动。

在这一过程中,她发现一群跳跃蜘蛛倒挂在一根丝线上,腿部整齐地蜷曲着。 在睡眠阶段,蜘蛛的四肢会移动,但也有一些不活动的阶段。

See_also: 梦见呕吐--意味着恶心还是什么?


此外,在快速动眼期做梦的几率也很高。 在快速动眼期,身体的各种活动都会升级,例如心脏。 而这一切都发生在眼睛闭着并快速运动的时候。

我一直很想分享我们最新发现的消息 🥳你以为跳蛛的酷劲已经登峰造极了吗? 扣好安全带!!我们需要谈谈 #跳蛛潜在的 #梦想。 @PNASNews

视频主题 1/7 pic.twitter.com/F36SB8CiRv

- Daniela Rößler 博士 (@RoesslerDaniela) 2022 年 8 月 8 日


毫无疑问,对蜘蛛进行脑部扫描并不像对其他大型动物那样容易。 此外,您也无法询问它们梦见了什么。 因此,办法就是观察它们,而这正是罗斯勒博士在她的实验室里所做的。

她使用放大镜和夜视摄像机来了解蜘蛛的睡眠习惯。 在实验过程中,她着重观察了蜘蛛的眼睛和身体动作,因为这些动作提供了蜘蛛睡眠模式的线索。

渐渐地,她发现视网膜快速运动的持续时间和频率在整晚都在增加,持续时间约为 77 秒,大约每 20 分钟出现一次。

此外,Rößler 博士还注意到,在这些类似于快速眼动的阶段中,身体动作不协调,腹部摆动,双腿蜷曲或松开。

罗斯勒博士在接受《国家地理杂志》采访时强调,她还没有证明蜘蛛的这种非活动期在技术上被认为是睡眠期。 为此,还需要进行一些调查,包括表明蜘蛛的唤醒能力较弱,对刺激的反应较慢,如果被剥夺睡眠,就需要 "反弹睡眠"。


See_also: 关于强奸的梦--它们并不总是预示着性侵犯和性骚扰



1. //www.scientificamerican.com/article/spiders-seem-to-have-rem-like-sleep-and-may-even-dream1/

2. //www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/jumping-spiders-dream-rem-sleep-study-suggests

3. //www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2204754119

Eric Sanders

Jeremy Cruz is an acclaimed author and visionary who has dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of the dream world. With a deep-rooted passion for psychology, mythology, and spirituality, Jeremy's writings delve into the profound symbolism and hidden messages embedded within our dreams.Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy's insatiable curiosity propelled him towards the study of dreams from a young age. As he embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery, Jeremy realized that dreams hold the power to unlock the secrets of the human psyche and provide glimpses into the parallel world of the subconscious.Through years of extensive research and personal exploration, Jeremy has developed a unique perspective on dream interpretation that combines scientific knowledge with ancient wisdom. His awe-inspiring insights have caught the attention of readers worldwide, leading him to establish his captivating blog, The dream state is a parallel world to our real life, and every dream has a meaning.Jeremy's writing style is characterized by its lucidity and ability to draw readers into a realm where dreams seamlessly blend with reality. With an empathetic approach, he guides readers on a profound journey of self-reflection, encouraging them to explore the hidden depths of their own dreams. His words offer solace, inspiration, and encouragement to those seeking answers tothe enigmatic realms of their subconscious mind.In addition to his writing, Jeremy also conducts seminars and workshops where he shares his knowledge and practical techniques for unlocking the profound wisdom of dreams. With his warm presence and natural ability to connect with others, he creates a safe and transformative space for individuals to unveil the profound messages that their dreams hold.Jeremy Cruz is not only a respected author but also a mentor and guide, deeply committed to helping others tap into the transformative power of dreams. Through his writings and personal engagements, he strives to inspire individuals to embrace the magic of their dreams, inviting them to unlock the potential within their own lives. Jeremy's mission is to shed light on the boundless possibilities that lie within the dream state, ultimately empowering others to live a more conscious and fulfilling existence.